3rd Talk Around the Clock 24h Virtual Conference

Frequently Asked Questions

Once your seat is booked, you can join, leave, and rejoin the sessions whenever you like.

Please ask us here, if you can’t find an answer to your question.

Consultations at Clinic in Gaza
1. How are you raising funds?

All volunteers and speakers contribute pro bono. Before and during the conference, we welcome any donations.  

We are using PayPal Donations as a service to collect funds and pass them on to MEDICINE SAN FRONTIERS (Doctors without Borders) to help them bring urgent medical aid to Palestine.

Direct payments to MsF in your country are also welcome. Please submit the receipt to [email protected]. We will then send you the registration data.

After the event, we will transfer the money to MEDICINES SAN FRONTIERS and allow every donor to audit the process of payments. 

2. How much must I donate?

As much as you can afford and as the case is worth to you: Helping MSF (Médicines sans Frontierès, Doctors without Borders) bring help to the people in Palestine, especially the children.

This charity conference is not about us – we do it for people in a humanitarian emergency. Your support is deeply appreciated, and the more you give, the better we can support MSF’s aid to these people.

3. Who is paying the costs?

The costs for event logistics (e.g. the Zoom account) are covered by the PMI Sweden Chapter.

The costs for the website (domain, hosting, design) are covered by Oliver F. Lehmann and his not-for-profit think tank, the Project Business Foundation.

4. Is this a political event?

No, it is a strictly humanitarian Charity Conference for people in need, particularly children.

Herein, we follow the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct:

2.2.1 We make decisions and take actions based on the best interests of society, public safety, and the environment.

5.2.4 We make commitments and promises, implied or explicit, in good faith.

5. Who are the members of the project team?

The project’s organizers are

  • Oliver F. Lehmann
  • Katarina Korenkova, PMI Sweden Chapter
  • Graziella D’Amico, PMI Northern Italy Chapter
  • Aurora Gualtieri, PMI Luxembourg Chapter
  • Julia Gohblit, PMI Sweden Chapter

Learn more about the organizing team.

6. Who champions the project?
PMI Sweden Chapter Logo

The project initiator and sponsor of the “Talk Around the Clock” virtual conference dedicated to raising funds for medical aid to Palestine is the PMI Sweden Chapter board.

Learn more about the project initiator and sponsor.

7. How does Corporate Donation work?

As a Corporate Donor, you begin the process by making your donation. To make the donations tax-deductible, we recommend payment to the local MEDICINE SAN FRONTIERS branch.

Find it here: https://www.msf.org/donate.

Then, email us a copy of the receipt. It should say that the help is paid for MEDICINE SAN FRONTIERS humanitarian aid program for Palestine.

For a donation of €500, we offer ten attendee seats. For every additional €50, you receive another seat (e.g. 20 seats for €1,000).

8. What is the involvement of PMI chapters?

Several PMI chapters have already confirmed their support for speaker search and event marketing and promotion when the project comes into that phase. By that time, we expect more chapters to join us as supporters.

9. Do I have to attend the intro and outro sessions, all 21 talks, and the panel discussion?

Of course not.

We recommend selecting the talks you are interested in from the schedule page. You are free at any time to leave the virtual conference and join us again for another talk.

10. How can I find out at what time the speaking slots occur in my time zone?

There are various reliable time/date converters on the Internet. We use https://www.timeanddate.com as a practical solution for our donors.

Here are the functions of interest:

Time & Date functions
11. can I claim PDUs for my attendance as a certified project manager?


Certified project managers can claim PDUs at https://ccrs.pmi.org/claim under Course or Training. One hour of talk attendance equates to 1 PDU. Select the talent triangle arms that reflect the sessions you attended.

Please use:

–  Provider: PMI Sweden Chapter

–  Course: “Talk Around the Clock” virtual conference

–  Date Started: 02 February 2023

–  Date Ended: 03 February 2023 

–  URL: https://talk-around-the-clock.com/

–  Contact Person: Katarina Korenkova

–  Contact E-Mail: [email protected]

Speakers can additionally claim PDUs at https://ccrs.pmi.org/claim/new/CreateContent for content creation and at https://ccrs.pmi.org/claim/new/Present for delivery (1 PDU/h).

Moderators and backup speakers can additionally claim PDUs at https://ccrs.pmi.org/claim/new/ShareKnowledge (1 PDU per hour).

12. What is the maximum number of PDUs I can claim as a conference attendee?

This depends on your ability to stay awake. PMI allows you to claim 1 PDU per conference hour.

So, if you stay up 24 hours in front of your PC, from the beginning on 02 February, 11 AM UTC, to the end on 03 February, 11 AM UTC, you can collect 24 PDUs. 

13. Can I have a tax-deductible receipt?

If you wish to receive a tax-deductable receipt based on the laws of your country, please donate directly to your local MEDICINE SAN FRONTIERS branch with a statement that the payment is for humanitarian medical aid to Palestine.

Then,  email us a copy of the receipt, and we will give you access to the conference registration page, where you can book your seat. Click here for details.

14. Can I donate and attend from all countries?

Unfortunately, there are some limitations:

  1. PayPal Donations does not operate in all countries (see list)
    If a donation to us is not possible from your country, please:
  2. Some locations are excluded from Zoom‘s services, see list.
15. Kindly share your marketing material.

Once your seat is booked, you can join, leave, and rejoin the sessions whenever you like.